Frequently Asked Questions

How can I make sure my first pay reaches me?

As soon as you have established a computer account at Western, login in to My Human Resources and enter your bank information so your pay can be directly deposited to your account.  If we are not able to direct deposit your pay, we will mail a cheque to the address on My Human Resources.  In some cases, tax slips are also sent by mail so be sure to check that your address is correct and keep it up to date.

Who do I contact regarding my personal tax credit return (TD1 and TD1ON)?

If you require specific information, contact the Canada Revenue Agency at 1-800-959-8281 or access their website.

If you are having difficulty completing the forms on My Human Resources, you may wish to contact Human Resources using ASK HR

Why didn't I have income tax, Canada pension, or employment insurance deducted from my paycheque?

It is most likely your income has no deductions taken because the earnings were paid to you from a scholarship, fellowship, or a research grant. This would also include Graduate Fellowships and Post Doctoral Fellows. These earnings will be reported on a T4A.

How do I change my address and/or banking information?

You can change your address and banking information with Human Resources by signing in to My Human Resources. Use your Western Personal Computer Account information (email username and password) to sign in to the system.

Alternatively, to change your address you can complete the Personal Data Form and forward it to Western Human Resources. The deadline for the form to reach our office is the 15th of each month to ensure your monthly pay goes to the correct address at the end of the month.

When do I get paid?

Monthly paid employees receive their pay on the second last workday of each month. Weekly paid employees receive their pay every Friday. Here are detailed pay schedules.

How do I have my lost paycheque replaced?

Contact Human Resources using ASK HR, providing the details of the lost cheque.  A stop payment will be issued on the cheque and you will be issued a new cheque. This process may take a number of weeks.

How can I arrange to be paid for missing hours on my pay?

Begin by contacting your department or faculty administrator first. They will initiate the appropriate paperwork if applicable.

How do I arrange for a letter of employment, outlining my salary and the date I began employment at Western?

This letter is called a 'statement of earnings' and can be requested by contacting Human Resources using ASK HR. Please allow five business days for processing the letter.

Do I receive a T4 for each job that I had on campus?

No, the T4 you receive will be the accumulated total of earnings you were paid. (Exception - You may receive two T4s if you have a status change from part-time to regular full-time employment.)

How do I get a copy of my T4/T4A?

Please visit our T4 and T4A page

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