Hazardous Waste

The Western hazardous waste collection program is handled by RPR Environmental. The pick-up schedule is below.

Please see the Hazardous Waste Disposal Flowchart that illustrates the processes for managing different types of hazardous waste at Western.

Occupational Health and Safety is accountable for ensuring a healthy and safe work environment through effective risk management. Occupational Health and Safety has chosen RPR Environmental to handle the waste collection program at Western. RPR Environmental provides Western with the services of technical and environmental specialists who provide a unique, hands-on approach to waste management.

Users of the service have their hazardous waste (chemical, biological and radioactive) picked up weekly at designated loading docks across campus. The pick-up date is every Thursday morning. The schedule below should be posted in the laboratories.

RPR requires the submission of an inventory form with all hazardous waste for it to be accepted. The current requirements for proper packaging, segregation, labeling and delivery by a knowledgeable representative from the lab will remain unchanged.

For safety reasons, RPR will not accept "unknowns", at any time, so every effort must be made to properly identify all waste before submitting for disposal. If identification of the "unknown" cannot be made, then a characterization of the waste based on physical and chemical properties is required prior to acceptance of the material by RPR. Please contact Western’s hazardous waste co-ordinator at hazardouswaste@uwo.ca if you require assistance with an unidentified substance.

Due to special handling procedures, substances controlled under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, and Defence Production Act, specifically, the Controlled Goods Regulations will continue to be handled directly by the Health and Safety Department.

Radioactive or Nuclear Materials Including X-ray or Laser-related Equipment

If you require disposal of any radioactive substances, devices or sealed sources please contact Anne Marie McCusker, Health & Safety Consultant at 519-661-2111 ext. 84741 or e-mail radsafety@uwo.ca so that a special pickup by the department can be arranged.

Please note, all registered X-ray equipment (including films) and laser devices also have special disposal requirements.

Hazardous Materials Waste Pick-up Schedule

Pick-up location Pick-up time
Siebens-Drake Research Loading Dock 9:00am
Robarts Research Loading Dock  9:25 am
Biological & Geological Sciences Loading Dock 9:40 am
North Campus Building Loading Dock 10:00 am
Medical Sciences - Room M003 (basement) 10:15 am
Chemistry Building Loading Dock 10:55 am
Engineering Sciences Loading Dock 11:30 am

Note: All hazardous waste must be submitted in person and never left unattended at the loading docks.

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