Privacy Statement

Protecting Your Personal Information

Western University is committed to respecting your privacy and protecting your personal information. For further information on the protection of employee personal information please refer to Western's privacy policy.

Why is your personal information collected and used?
Personal information that you provide on this Human Resources application website is collected for the purpose of recruitment, employment, and statistical reporting and will be protected at all times. It will not be disclosed to anyone outside the University.

What kind of personal information will be collected about me?
To support the administration of recruitment and employment at Western, certain personal information is required. The information collected depends on the type of job competition and may include the following: name, home contact information, educational history, employment history, professional licenses, designations, memberships and certificates, awards, training, publications (e.g. title, date and description), presentations (e.g. title, date and description), legal entitlement to work in Canada, and languages.

How will my personal information be used?
Your personal information will be used to determine your eligibility for employment and to help determine your development plan if you are or become an employee of the University. The information collected through the Application submission and other personal information that is used to administer the recruitment and employment process will be stored within a secure database. The information collected on the Application Form on this Human Resources Web site will also be linked to your employment file if you are or become an employee of the University.

Who will have access to my personal information?
Access to your personal information will be limited to authorized faculty and staff members involved in the selection process for the job competition.

Who do I contact if I have any questions?
If you have questions about the use and disclosure of this information, please use ASK HR to contact Human Resources, or call 519-661-2194.

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