Organizational Culture

A positive work culture is built on respect, trust and honesty. We use this culture to guide our decision-making and daily interactions with colleagues. At Western this culture is predicated on collaboration, equity and inclusion, and treating each other with civility as we work towards a common goal - continuously elevating ourselves to the highest of global standards. This is a video created by Ottawa Public Health and the Mental Health Commission of Canada, and adapted with permission from Mindful Employer Canada. (time - 3:30)

What can I do as an employee?

  • Be aware of Western values and beliefs
  • Use breaks to connect with colleagues
  • Schedule time for personal wellness
  • Ask yourself: How can I contribute to a positive culture?

What can I do as a manager or supervisor?

  • Begin meetings with the Indigenous Land Acknowledgement
  • Reiterate organizational values and beliefs
  • Provide opportunities for team building
  • Create a mentorship program

Read more about what you can do to create and maintain a positive work culture at Western

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